And so this is it, the last time I will be in contact on myspace. From great interest, to joining in Blogger, to going to high school. The result is that, I've lost interest in myspace. Di vassano varcreste belinga, fall om stati grean ia myspace. Pilu sorian gag lanaf ia Blogger. Soreenty gutap washai buflen ia ESAI-TV 49. I've been graced with my family, for sending me messages. The music was wonderfull as well. This site will remain active as I'm at Blogger. I pray myspace will be still be active everyday. On behalf of all the memories with myspace, I say to you, wherever you are, a good night, and wonderful support.
This station, which on November 21, 2008 said: "Hello! This is ESAI-TV 49.", now says: "Goodbye! This was ESAI-TV 49." J
This station, which on November 21, 2008 said: "Hello! This is ESAI-TV 49.", now says: "Goodbye! This was ESAI-TV 49." J
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